Київське міське товариство греків ім. Костянтина Іпсіланті
Громадська організація «Союз греків України»

About us
We are a new generation in the Greek movement of Kiev. We are the successors of the glorious affairs of our older comrades, who laid more than 25 years ago the foundations of the Greek movement, which built the structure of national self-awareness, love and friendship. They have discovered for themselves, for us and for all who will follow us our homeland - Greece. Her beauty, warmth, exclusivity, kindness.

No wonder hundreds of years ago, our grandfathers and grandfathers sought it. In each of our families - a difficult story. No generation has calmly survived the years dedicated by the Lord God to the land that has been sheltered or taken away from them. It would be Turkey, Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine. In our memory - deportations, genocide of the Greek people, expulsion from native places, national repressions, suspicions and persecution because you are Greek. We have always proved and done so that we are the best. And among us are honored people: academicians, doctors of sciences, professors, People's and Honored Artists of Ukraine, Honored Scientists and Technicians of Ukraine, Honored Doctors, Journalists, Honored Workers of Culture, Education, Agriculture. Just deserved and respected people who gave their lives a new creation - production, construction, health care, medicine, agriculture, education and science. Those who did everything in order for the next generations to live better than they are. We thank them for gratitude for what they have done and will do more for us. Thank you for one of the best national societies in Kiev - the Kiev city association of the Greeks Constantine Ipsilanty. Grateful to his founders and many years-old leaders - Honorable Ilya Panteleyovych Khachik and Maya Feodorovna Korayagin. Thank you to everyone who was in this great Greek family all the time. As much as possible, it supported it. Thank you to everyone who is with us today, to all who came and will come to our family - the Greeks and the Philly. Everyone who loves our Greece, her language, history, culture. She has one, we Greeks do not share anything.
As elected members of the Society, the President, I invite all the Greeks and all those who love Greece for unification, the general solution to the problems that arose, to the development, improvement and self-improvement, to help each other, to care for the elders and younger ones.

We are open to everyone, ready to accept and understand each one. We are one big Greek family in the city of Kiev. We are Greeks!

With respect and faith
Head of the "Kyiv City Association of the Greek named after Konstantin Ypsilanti"
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor Koretsky M.H.