Київське міське товариство греків ім. Костянтина Іпсіланті
Громадська організація «Союз греків України»

Statement of CCUDUG concerning the performance of the pseudo-Ukrainian collective at the festival in Greece

Statement of CCUDUG concerning the performance of the pseudo-Ukrainian collective at the festival in Greece

The Coordinating Council of the United Diaspora of Ukrainians in Greece simply shocked us with the event that took place at the festival in Greece. You can read the statement in the attachment.
The Kyiv City Association of the Greeks shares the perturbations of our sister from Greece. This event once again confirms the fact of the shameless behavior of Russia and those who are sympathetic to the inexplicable reasons. Who, if not Ukrainian, knows that the rules of "fair play" simply do not exist for them. A country that even falsified its own story and curtailed it simply can not act honestly. For 300 years of Ukrainian occupation, we can not understand when the edge and limit of Russian appetite will come. Only when the whole world understands that "but the king is naked!" At least some changes are possible. We also want to remind the Greeks of their path to independence. After all, how many times Alexander III fed the promises of the great son of the Greek people, Prince Constantine Ypsilanti, in assisting in gaining independence! And so did not respect the promise. Since then, nothing has changed. In all its history, Russia (incidentally, the word of Greek origin!) Did not adhere to any of its contracts. Therefore, we ask the Greeks, but the whole world does not believe in any word in Russia, but to the maximum limit communication with her.

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