Київське міське товариство греків ім. Костянтина Іпсіланті
Громадська організація «Союз греків України»

Discussion of the project "Kindergarten with languages of national communities"

Discussion of the project "Kindergarten with languages of national communities"

The project "Kindergarten with Languages ​​of National Communities" was discussed with Mr. Oleksandr. God forbid that such people would be more in Ukraine. People who are concerned with the problems of society. One of them is a catastrophic lack of children's preschool institutions. The second is the quality of training and upbringing. We all understand that our little children other than Ukrainian must learn English and, in addition, one of the languages ​​of the European Union.
Agreed that in such a language one of the first will be modern Greek. In the future, knowledge of the Modern Greek language will allow our children of all nationalities to freely gain one of the best European education in Greek state universities.

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