Київське міське товариство греків ім. Костянтина Іпсіланті
Громадська організація «Союз греків України»

Invitation to the Divine Service to the Holy Ilyin Church on the Podil and the Cathedral of the Holy Princess Olga on the Kharkivsky Residental Community

Invitation to the Divine Service to the Holy Ilyin Church on the Podil and the Cathedral of the Holy Princess Olga on the Kharkivsky Residental Community

Dear friends! Dear members of the "Kyiv City Association of the Greek named after Constantine Ypsilanti"!
Congratulations on Holy Easter! Good, peace in every homeland, good health, happiness, bright holidays.
We are invited to the Divine Services for the Holy Illinic Church on the Podil and the Cathedral of the Holy Princess Olga on the Kharkov array of veins. Beginning at 23 hours and 20 minutes. Let's be together, waiting for you.
Sincerely yours, Koretsky M., Head of the "Kyiv City Association of the Greek named after Konstantin Ypsilanti".