Київське міське товариство греків ім. Костянтина Іпсіланті
Громадська організація «Союз греків України»

Exhibition for the national holiday of Greece "OHI!"

Exhibition for the national holiday of Greece "OHI!"

Good afternoon, dear friends! Good afternoon, dear members of the "Kyiv City Association of Greeks named after Constantine Ypsilanti"! We invite everyone to the opening of the exhibition, organized by the venerable Galina V. Chumak and a team of artists (members of our society), which will be held on October 29, 2017, in the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (9 Lavrska, building 11 - Museum of Books and Printing). Together we will support holding a wonderful event.

Sincerely, Koretsky M., Head of the PA "Kyiv City Association of the Greek named after Konstantin Ipsilanty".